Ardent Medical – Dental equipment manufacturer in Kerala, India

Why choose DHT® needles ?

The advantages are numerous

  • The unique feature of patented DHT Needles is their cutting edge, double bevel that renders a scalpel blade. The patients no longer feel the prick, the tissues are no longer torn but incised for a completely painless needle penetration.
  • For intraligamentary (PDL) and intraseptal (subcrestal) injections, the needle will penetrate painlessly much deeper and without twisting. Your anesthesias are easier and more effective.
  • For attached gingiva and palatal injections, a special “intelligent” bevel indicator on the needle hub allows to correctly orientate the bevel for a very shallow penetration and a painless anesthesia.

Anesthetize with great serenity:

  • The complete range has been designed to cover all your needs.

The advantages of DHT® Needles?


The scalpel blade bevel incises and reduces trauma for the patient.

Adapted for intraosseous anesthesia

The scalpel blade bevel ensures optimum performances. The penetration is easier and without risk of heating the bone.


DHT® Needles are compatible with all metric model syringes on the market and for all anesthesia techniques.

Easier penetration

The scalpel blade bevel incises the mucosal surface, therefore requiring less force from the dental professional when penetrating into dense tissues and during needle penetration to anethetize the periosteum.

To learn more about the DHT Needles®, contact your specialist for a personalized demonstration at your practice

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Frequently asked Questions

In Europe, yes (except the U.K.). In all other countries DHT®Needles are compatible with metric type syringes. DHT®seront compatibles avec toutes les seringues à embase métrique du marché.
Depending on how it is used, the needle design will influence whether the injection of painless or not. as well as the success or failure of the anesthesia itself. For every injecton, the dental professional’s first consideration is avoiding pain upon needle penetration. Standard dental anesthesia needles (triple bevel) penetrate into the tisues by streching and tearing them and thereby creating tensions that generate pain. The most recent generations of needle (double bevel) incise the tissues, like a scalpel. They liberate the tensions and can, therefore, be painless. However, these needles must be used correctly [7] the double bevel which renders a blade (fig.) enables the needle to penetrate deeper into the ligament to solve the problem of recurrent leakages with intraligamentary anesthesia. The double bevel, combined with the thicker lining of the needle, eliminates needle deflection, which is the main reason for the failure of ID nerve blocks. For each anesthesia technique, a specific needle is available which reduces the pain and improves the results. (7) Sixou J-L. Du bon usage du biseau lors de l’anesthésie. Info Dent. 2006 ; 88 : 2286-8
It is recommended to change the needle between injections, especially after rotation as the bevel will be damaged and the needle fragilized.
As with any type of dental needle and anesthesia technique, the needle can break if the instructions for use are not respected (cf. user guide)

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Know more about DHT® Needles?

Ardent Medical - Dental equipment manufacturer in Kerala, India